"Mary in the house of Elizabeth" Robert Anning Bell (1917, oil on canvas, Tate Britain Museum)
Luke 1.39-55
In our day it seems that those who seek to serve God don’t get a lot of recognition. Instead, the people we seem to idolize, the people we think have made it, seem to be the God-neglecting. These people often encourage us to live for pleasure—satisfy our desires—that’s what life is all about. Rock stars, superstar athletes, powerful business executives are always before us--meeting presidents, throwing big parties, making more money than we can imagine, able to go anywhere and do anything they want. At times we may find ourselves envying them.
Who ever notices that person trying to do what is right in his home and community? Who ever notices the person who’s loyal to her family and her children? Whoever gets noticed for putting in an honest day’s work for what seems like an ever diminishing paycheck? How often is one noticed for being a member of a church and serving it faithfully? He or she never makes the headlines…they never gain much power…they’re doing well just getting the bills paid by the end of the month. Who notices him? Who idolizes her? Who sets them up as the ideal of how to live?
God does! God notices and blesses those who seek to follow him and do his will. They may never be noticed by others, but they enjoy God’s favorable attention! Therefore God will bless them with something that all those rock stars, athletes and powerful business men often miss out on. God blesses his humble, faithful servants with the gift of abundant life that comes through the savior. God blesses us with a sense of hope…a sense of purpose…a sense of joy!
How can we live in Christmas joy all year long? Recognize that the greatest way God has remembered and blessed us is by sending his Son Jesus Christ. Each of us has been afflicted with the stain of sin and the pain of death. Each of us needs salvation that only God could arrange. The world needs the salvation and restoration only God can arrange. God remembered his promise to save us. God, the Mighty One, has done a great thing for us through the coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
You and I can rejoice knowing that God’s grace will prevail. Jesus is coming! You and I can rejoice knowing that God’s justice will prevail. Jesus is coming! A day is coming when tyrants will be defeated and the callous will be put in their place. A day is coming when the oppressed will be raised up and the poor will no longer lack. God’s mercy and justice may not seem to be at work in the world with any consistency. But the God who has the power to bring hope and joy to a shy, teenage girl has the power to bring hope and joy into your life. Our God has the power to bring hope and joy into this fallen and conflicted world. God has promised it. God has remembered his promise. God’s grace has triumphed! Joy to the world! Let earth receive her king!