“My mouth shall speak wisdom;What does the increasing persecution of Christians in other countries mean for us in America? As a parent, how should I respond to the apparent loosening of standards on television? Is it possible for a father to make it through his son’s adolescence and keep his sanity? How is it that God still cares for me despite my tendency toward sin and distraction?
The meditation of my heart shall be understanding.
I will incline my ear to a proverb;
I will solve my riddle to the music of the harp.”
--Psalm 49:3-4
These are some of the riddles bouncing around my brain this week. You’ve got riddles of your own . . . some are lofty and philosophical, others are deeply personal. These riddles have the power to tip us off balance—wondering where we stand in life and where we stand with God. It can be an uncomfortable place.
The psalmist points us to the ultimate source for resolving life’s riddles—connection with God. Understanding comes in reflecting on God and God’s Word. Solving life’s riddles occurs “to the music of the harp,”--in my mind, a reference to worship. Our relationship to God brings insight and wisdom to understand life. Connection with God assures us that we are in God’s capable hands. It’s possible (actually quite likely) that there are some riddles in life for which you will never find resolution. In these cases, the psalmist reminds us of the solution of all life’s riddles:
“God will save us from the grave,Our greatest hope lays in our connection to the living God—Jesus Christ. In the hope that Christ brings, we can live with riddles and uncertainties. God promises to receive us regardless of having everything figured out. It is our connection to God that saves us.
He will certainly take me to himself.”
--Psalm 49:15
What’s a life riddle you have been wrestling with? Why not give God 30 days to bring you some insight. You could, for example, commit to praying about your “riddle” daily for the month of September. Is it possible that there is insight for you in the Bible? Take this month to study the scriptures on the question you have. Be listening during worship.
God is present to nurture you and guide you. And . . . every time the bread is broken and the cup is shared, remember the ultimate solution to life’s riddles—Jesus is Savior to all!