…O people, the LORD has told you what is good,
and this is what he requires of you:
to do what is right, to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with your God.
--Micah 6:8 (New Living Translation)
It’s hard to fathom. In the news as I write this is the report of the deaths of 7 people in Cambodia, three of them young teens. They all suffocated at the bottom of a 16-foot water well trying to retrieve the equivalent of 75 cents that had been accidently dropped into it. It’s hard to grasp the level of poverty that would drive people to make such an attempt. Heartbreaking poverty is real and it exists in every corner of the world, even in our own state and city.
The prophet Micah was speaking to Israelites who were enjoying a relatively comfortable life. Israel was prosperous and strong. Their prosperity came at the expense of their morals and integrity. Shady business deals were commonplace. The poor were neglected. They had become complacent in their worship. They brought their offerings to the temple, but their hearts were not into the way of God. Micah reminded them that God sought their full commitment. In God’s economy, God’s people have at the core of their faith a requirement to show God’s mercy to others.
Jesus emphasized this as well. Jesus’ parting words to Peter in the Gospel of John were to “feed my sheep” (John 21: 15-17). In other words, take care of the people I give you. That’s a pretty big flock! Jesus called his followers to make disciples of all nations. Jesus basically gave us the world to look after. This includes God special concern for the poor and brokenhearted. Bring the poor justice. Show mercy to the brokenhearted.
With God’s requirement comes God’s empowerment. God’s Spirit gives us the energy and the sensitivity to serve the Lord and serve others. This is truly good news. God helps us live out the life to which we are called. The Lord is always
with us!
To me, there is nothing more satisfying than helping out someone who is in need. It’s a great feeling to make a tangible difference in the life of another person! Perhaps this makes it possible to, as Micah says, “love mercy.” Love the chances to make a difference in the life of others. Embrace the opportunities to serve others that God puts in your path. Cherish your God-given role to extend God’s mercy and help. This is the way of God that brings you fulfillment.