Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Eight action roles for social transformation

As I have been pondering Jesus' teaching of "Blessed are the peacemakers . . ." I ran across these challenging words from a recent meeting of the Austin Spiritual Directors Community. Sister Amata Miller, IHM shared with us eight action roles Christians can assume to bring about peace and social transformation. Sister Amata has been very active in Roman Catholic social justice ministries. Currently she is teaching Economics and Finance at St. Edward's University. Here are her eight action roles:
    1. Developing in ourselves a kingdom-centered perspective: reading and studying things that help us develop our own social conscience in light of the signs of our times and the teachings of our faith.
    2. Making daily lifestyle choices square with Gospel principles. Living more simply that others might simply live; Learning to settle conflicts nonviolently, to disagree without being disagreeable; loving those around us; sharing what we have with those who have less.
    3. Fostering Gospel values, making them attractive to others. Helping young people to be nonviolent, other-centered; Encouraging non-materialistic enjoyments; facilitating development of social moral consciences; Praying alone and together in the Gospel spirit.
    4. Helping to nurture alternative ways to meet human needs. Spreading success stories about alternatives; Volunteering for service in new kinds of social ventures; Make your donations to positive change agents.
    5. Working to transform existing institutions from within (parishes, workplaces, families). Gradually figuring out ways to embody Gospel values within these; Bringing all people affected by decisions into the making of them sometimes; Acting in belief that changes will ripple out from here as others see new ways.
    6. Developing and participating in organized strategies for political and corporate change. Making active citizenship a part of one's life; Joining groups effectively focused on transformations for social justice; Encouraging others to join in collaborative actions for transformation.
    7. Acting in opposition to what goes in the wrong direction. Writing letters to the editors of newspapers to influence public opinion; Participating in prayer vigils; Taking part in boycotts; Marching in public demonstrations.
    8. Living out of a kingdom-centered spirituality. Letting God work through us to "write straight with crooked lines" (2 Corinthians 4:5-7); Prayer and liturgical rituals that widen our sense of God and neighbor; Being hopeful in the struggle for greater peace and justice.
Sister Amata noted that we might take on different roles at different times in our lives. Each of us can do one or more where we are, given our own responsibilities and sphere of influence, and if each of us does our part and help others to do theirs, God's kingdom of justice and peace will come for all people . . . in God's time.

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