Sunday, August 07, 2005

I must be doing something right!

We're back from a two week vacation to the St. Paul MN area to visit my parents. It was a nice relaxing visit. I didn't do much but watch TV, spend some time on the computer and basically veg out. Did a little reading, too. Played golf on a beautiful links style course in Ramsey MN--The Links at Northfork.

Unfortunately, my father spent half of our visit in the hospital. He had a bad case of gout. Since his kidney transplant two and a half years ago, severe pain such as he experienced last weekend cannot be ignored. He's home from the hospital now and doing quite well.

So on to what I might be doing right. And, of course, it is much more than myself. During children's moment at church this morning, my developmentally-delayed son Jesse (9) volunteered a response to the question, "Why did Jesus have to die on the cross?" Anytime Jesse volunteers an answer to a theological question we're prepared for anything from the insightful to the odd. I thought perhaps the question was beyond his understanding. I was wrong. His answer, clear and confident, was "For our sins." I raised my fist in jubilant celebration. He is paying attention. The gospel is seeping its way into his heart. I am deeply grateful for my wife, my church and the Lord for his growth in understanding.


Roy Clemmons said...

As Art Linkletter said, "Kids say the darndest things!" One of the most important teachings parents give to their children, I believe, is the knowledge the Gospel and the gift of salvation.

Three cheers for you and your wife. Way to go!

I'm glad to see you're blogging again.

Bonnie said...

Hi there, I'm just dropping in after seeing you in rlp's chatroom this morning. Nice blog. Yay for Dad, for coming out alright, and Yay for son, for being himself.