Monday, July 03, 2006

Prayer as paying attention

Ran across this quote in my devotional reading from The Spiritual Life by John H. Westerhoff III and John Eusden. It's a great observation about prayer:
Prayer is a disciplined dedication to paying attention. Without the single-minded attentiveness of prayer we will rarely hear anything worth repeating or catch a vision worth asking anyone else to gaze upon.

Prayer is contact with God that is continually forming and transforming us. This dovetails nicely with what I was preaching about on Sunday. Worship and prayer are two primary and essential ways that we keep ourselves oriented toward God. Godward orientation is our highest priority as beings created by God and "designed" to be in relationship with God.

1 comment:

Roy Clemmons said...

I love this post and I plan on quoting you in my sermon on prayer next Sunday.