I am doing a lot of reading during my sabbatical. One book that is stimulating a lot of thought and reflection is Simple Church by Thom S. Rainer & Eric Geiger. What's got my mind occupied right now is their statement:
Congested churches and stagnant believers are the antithesis of God's plan. (p.138)
Getting churches uncongested and helping believers stay vigorous have been significant challenges in my ministry. The authors advocate a clear, simple process for making and maturing disciples. They identify particular elements critical to a clear, simple disciplemaking process.
I've seen the kind of congestion and stagnation the authors describe in every congregation I've served. In every place it has been very hard to initiate change. Traditional programs and "ways of being" have a terrific inertia behind them. On top of that, I've never really had a frame of reference to effectively address the situations. More than anything else, I want to be a pastor who leads people consistent with God's plan. To think its possible I'm an overseer of believers whose ministry is the antithesis of God's plan is very convicting.
With that sense of conviction, I have a certain sense of grace in hearing that this is a common experience of pastors. And I have some sense of empowerment in that I am developing a frame of reference that explains what I have seen and some good ideas on how to proceed.
Now for the courage . . .
1 comment:
Thanks for the message on my blog. After reading your latest post I thought you my be interested in our version of simple church. 6 families moved from different areas of the country to Boulder County Colorado to do life with people. We feel the need to be the front door of the church and not the building. We want to build relationships and be able to share the gospel through the lives that we live. We have house church once a week and try to devote the rest of our time getting to know people where they are at. We are definitely not against church but we were looking to simplify what that means.
That is probably way more than you wanted to know or hear but thought that I would let you know anyway.
The site is http://emmausroadonline.wordpress.com/
if you feel like you want to check us out.
Have a happy and blessed sabatical!
Until the nets are full,
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