Matthew 7.9-11
Christmas season has left me “running on empty.” Do you know what I’m talking about? I think many of you do. Increases in get-togethers with friends, work parties, church and school functions wear us down. The stresses of shopping in crowded malls while trying to get our work done and avoid disappointing our kids, our grandkids, or our spouses and special friends, can leave us emotionally and spiritually depleted. But wait! Some of us feel like that MOST of the time!
Jesus points us folks who are “running on empty” in an important direction in the scripture that begins this post. Whatever we need to live well, God stands ready to give us—body, mind, and soul. Prayer is a critical way that we go to God to express our needs. The process of praying is also a primary way we grow closer to God…where we get to know God better. A great Christian theologian, J. I. Packer, observes that we become energized as we get to know God better.
I ran across this modern parable of prayer recently. A boy and his father were watching a documentary on military aircraft on TV. "Look at those two planes together," said the little boy. "It looks like one is towing the other."
"No," said the father, "the one plane is bringing more fuel, so that the other plane does not have to come down and land. Without the refueling plane the other plane would have to stop its flight."
Prayer refuels the soul. Prayer reenergizes us. Prayer restores our zeal and puts us on track to take care of our business. Prayer is key for getting in tune with God’s direction for our lives.
If you feel like your running on empty, may I encourage you to develop a new habit of prayer? God is anxious to refuel you. What’s more, God is the sole source for the life fuel you truly need.
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