Thursday, March 23, 2017

3-Hour Rest Stop: Rest

Rest Retreat Download

Rest Like Jesus

“News about Jesus kept spreading. Large crowds came to listen to him teach and to be healed of their diseases. But Jesus would often go to some place where he could be alone and pray.” (Luke 5:15-16, CEV)

In my seminary training it was impressed upon me the pastor’s need for rest and retreat. Professors warned us that ministry was demanding on every facet of life. It impacted our relationships with family, friends and neighbors. Henri Nouwen, a wise writer and spiritual guide, said that to be with people well, one needs times of rest and solitude. The wisdom of these voices has stayed with me. Then there is the example of Jesus…

Jesus was an observant Jew. The rhythms of Jewish life were his rhythms. Jesus kept the Sabbath in its true spirit. But, as the scripture above shows, Jesus took other times of rest as he needed and he taught his disciples to do the same. The demands of his life moved him to seek times of rest and prayer.

On a recent personal retreat day of my own I recognized how much others would be helped by retreat time if they could take it. Each of you has a demanding life and you are feeling its effects. Fatigue, anxiety, cynicism, and dangerous levels of stress can be the consequences. With little rest, our lives become physically, emotionally, and spiritually unhealthy.

We all need rest stops along the journey of life. I want to invite you to a time of retreat this month and months into the future. There is a link at the end of this column that will connect you to a rest-themed retreat you can do in three hours. Look at your calendar and identify a three-hour chunk of time where you can get away to read, rest, reflect and pray. Make time for it! Perhaps you could retreat by simply sitting on your back porch away from your phone or computer. Your spouse could take the kids out for a few hours so you can have the place to yourself. Find a picnic table in a quiet park or grab a seat in your favorite coffee shop during off-peak hours. There are a lot of possibilities! I think the time is most helpful when you are where you won’t be disturbed by others or distracted by text messages and social media accounts.

On Tuesday, April 25 we will hold a pot luck supper in the basement Fellowship Hall of Gower Christian Church at 6:30 PM to talk about what you learned and experienced. Each month there will be a new retreat guide based on the theme of the monthly pastor’s column “For Our Common Journey.” If something grabs you, give me a call and we’ll talk!

Jesus invites his disciples to pause on their journey to go away with him for rest and prayer. His invitation still stands. Give it a try, won’t you?

3-Hour Rest Retreat Download

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