Thursday, June 29, 2006

90 by 50 update

This week marks six weeks into my effort to lose 90 pounds by my 50th birthday--10 percent "down the road." My goal was to lose nine (9) pounds. My weigh-in today indicated I had lost eleven (11). I'm very excited. I have been at church camp for the last 10 days. The camp's high carb cuisine usually does me in--I never lose weight while I'm there. But this time I kept track of my diet and walked every other day and viola! My next six week benchmark is August 10. This will be an even more challenging segment as it includes our youth mission trip and my usual two vacation to visit family relatives in Minnesota. Lot's of opportunity to "backslide." However, my mental approach is different this time. What has, in the past, looked like such a formidable undertaking seems much more do-able now. This initial success brings much encouragement. Many of you have been sharing words of support or serving as accountability partners--I am grateful.

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