Tuesday, October 31, 2006

90 by 50 update

Well, progress has been a lot slower over the last couple of months. I have lost 19 pounds since I started . . . I had hoped to be 36 pounds lighter by now. But I am at the lowest point since I began and there is much time. I must be more diligent, both in regular exercise and in keeping up with my food diary. I am pleased that I have not gone backwards . . . and I recognize that this is about changing my lifestyle. That's the only way this loss will remain permanent. I'm going to work harder over the next six weeks and see what happens. I need to do this for myself, my family, my ministry . . . and now, I guess, for the world. Check out this article from the New York Times on how obesity contributes to global warming. It's a crazy notion, but the evidence is there. I guess I'm the person your parents warned you about!

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