Saturday, January 20, 2007

90 by 50 update

My weight loss saga has been a mixed bag thus far. I'm only about at 50% of my loss pace thus far. I've lost a total of 25 pounds and have been holding there for several weeks. I haven't gained back what I have lost thus far. That is very good. There have been some unseen benefits that I have been very pleased about. I saw my doctor for a check-up on January 10. Everything looks very good. My blood pressure was excellent. Blood sugar and triglycerides in normal range. My cholesteral number was 155. So metabolically, I am also in really good shape. I was very encouraged by the visit and consider it a manifestation of God's grace that I am not suffering any serious consequences from my obesity. And it is all the more incentive for me to persevere with my exercise and diet disciplines. Your continued prayers on my behalf for discipline and the fruit of self-control would be much appreciated.

I received a little additional inspiration this week. Pam LeBlanc, "Fit City" columnist for the Austin American Statesman, featured the story of Jim Martine. Martine lost 200 pounds in 2006. He did it like I'm doing it--reduced calories and increased exercise. I didn't think one could lose that much weight in a year. It's given me new vision for the possibilities and reinforced the feasibility of my own more modest goal.

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